I happened to be reading in the Book of Mormon the other day in Alma, chapter 17, where Alma and the sons of Mosiah have a reunion of sorts. I could not finish the first verse before I broke down and started crying. It reminded me of you guys and our trip.
There is something about sacrificing for a good cause with other people who are making the same sacrifices that creates a bond that is very powerful. ( A "Band of Brothers & Sisters.")
When I looked into your eyes on our trip, I did not see the eyes of a 50-something brother or sister, I flashed back and saw the eyes of a 19 to 23-year-old young missionary. I remembered the frivolity of our youth exceeded only by the dedication and determination of our immature but unshakable faith. For me, a convert of only about one year, it was an amazing sight. You were (and are) my heroes. As my parents were not members, President and Sister Walker became my spiritual parents.
Our reunion brought back a thousand memories. Riding our bicycles down dusty, rut-ridden roads, forging our way through the muddy streets, half-mad mangy dogs yapping at our feet, hopping on a street bus that was no more than a tin can with axles, wheels and an engine on the front, chickens, goats, pigs and donkeys that were our constant companions, the smell of kerosene from a stove in a one-room hut that was called a "home," hearing phrases such as "que no estan" when returning to visit what we thought were golden contacts and a million other sights, sounds, smells and other memories that flood my mind and heart when I recall "The Mission."
Knowing that we had the right and obligation to tell people that we represented the Savior of the world and being witnesses of the changes that came into people's lives when they accepted the Gospel and lived by its precepts taught us quickly that the work we were about was much greater than ourselves. We truly "lost" ourselves in the work and felt its joy.
When we came home, went to school and work, got married and began raising our families, we had to juggle many responsibilities and represented many different interests. Never again (except for a few, including President and Sister Walker) have we been able to dedicate 100% of our time to representing the Lord. When we saw each other on this trip and reminisced about old times, I think we all had a similar experience. We remembered the dedication we shared, the sacrifices we made and the joy we felt. It came back like a flood and lasted all nine days. We have been basking in it as much is possible even after returning home.
We love each one of you and our Savior whom we served then and now. We look forward with great anticipation to September 2009 and Peru. Who knows, maybe someday in the eternities we will all be assigned to work together in the mission field, maybe under President and Sister Walker. In the meantime, the memories and these incredible reunions will have to suffice.
Love, Bill & Terri Chapman
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